Hi all! Thanks for playing along in my Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Giveaway as part of the Green Lantern Premiere. I have to admit, you all have given me so many NEW WAYS to eat a Reese that I think I just have to try. I have never had one frozen, never ate all the chocolate off then then peanut butter or vice versa. I have nibbled at the edges though…..
It was a fun give away and I definitely think any healthy lifestyle needs to include treats like this if you love them so you do not feel deprived. It’s all about learning how to work them in as “treats”, counting it and not feeling bad that you indulged. That is just one of the many reasons I LOVE Weight Watchers. Ok….soap box over…
THE LUCKY WINNER OF A CASE OF REESE’S drawn using random.org is…..
#108 Ruby W. on Sat, 11th Jun 2011 1:06 pm
I like my reeses crumbled on top of fro yo or greek yogurt when i am at home. Makes for a delicious sweet and savory topping. If I eat it by itself, I eat around the edges first.
Congrats Ruby! Please email me your full name and mailing address to danicasdaily at gmail dot com and I will get your prize pack out ASAP.
See you all in a few for today’s delicious Pub Eats!
Can I just say that I’m actually relieved to not have won this?
I am VERY relieved that I didn’t win. Thanks, Danica. Good luck Ruby, only eating one a day or something like that..
Congrats Ruby!!!