Happy Friday EVE all! I finally decided to get off the LAZY train today and get in a good workout when I got home from the Farmer’s Market. I don’t know what it is, but, lately I have had ZERO motivation to workout….not even to walk which is something I usually ALWAYS do at lunch.
Maybe it’s Spring Fever from exercise?! LOL….I am not sure, but, I am proud that I hopped on the treadmill for a power hills workout that reminded me I haven’t exercised consistently in a long time.
I feel accomplished today because I did everything I set out to do and had some delicious eats along the way.
Breakfast involved another of my FAVORITE Tortillas I pick up at the Farmer’s Market ~ Jalapeño Salsa! They are thick and chewy.
1 Jalapeño Salsa Tortilla (3 pts)
2 Tbsp Spicy Black Bean Chipotle Hummus with Harissa (1 pt)
1/2 c Egg Beaters (1 pt)
Crushed Red Pepper Flakes
For those wondering….I cook my eggs in a bowl sprayed with nonstick spray for 1 minute. Breakfast takes like 5 minutes max to make.
Spicy, creamy, chewy, GOOD!
My breakfast kept me FULL for 6 hours – CRAZY, but, cool!
Today, I had one of my FAVORITE things ~ I LOVE Chinese Food especially when it’s healthier like Panda Express.
usually check out their online nutritionals and pick the lowest calorie/fat options. My FAVORITE is the string bean chicken which is only 3 points!
Plus a side of Broccoli Beef (another 3 points!)
Then, I get the steamed mixed veggies instead of the rice or chow mein for 1 points.
Not too bad for a 7 POINT (375 calorie) lunch and it’s loaded with VEGGIE-goodness.
There is something about the salty spicy goodness of Chinese food that makes me WANT sweets. I had picked up these Mini Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies from Trader Joes for The Husband today….however, I busted open the container.
150 cal, 7 g fat, 1 g fiber ~ 3 points for 5 cookies…if you eat just 5, that is…..Ya, I have 5 plus a couple more and a couple more and…..(5 points in mini cookies) :/ Should’ve left them in the car 😉
I LOVE Thursdays because it’s FARMERS MARKET DAY!!!!
$5 for all these of these ~ organic mixed greens, organic arugula, organic broccoli!
More of my FAVORITE CORN tortillas because I am going to make that juicy, spicy Mexican chicken this weekend so I can have my favorite TACOS!
Organic Strawberries!
Then, I came across the COOLEST table I’ve ever seen at the Farmer’s Market. I say that because of what this table represented!
Champions for Change have one mission to help kids eat more fruits and vegetables!!!
They are encouraging families to make healthy changes in their kitchens, homes, schools, and neighborhoods in simple ways:
Inside the bag was an AWESOME FREE COOKBOOK!
Loaded with recipes!
I completely want to make them all including these Black Bean, Corn and AVOCADO pitas!
There were also other fun handouts to give you ideas on how to use some in season produce and a cool how much activity should you get at any age calculator.
SO COOL! I LOVE that people are taking action and I LOVE this cause ~ no they didn’t pay me to post about it or even know I am….I post because I believe we are all the BEST examples for our families and friends.
——> Putting my soap box away now 🙂
Dinner was all about using the Farmer’s Market Finds I got and it involved this cool sauce that we picked up at the the Saturday Farmer’s Market last week.
Crazy chunkiness…..When we sampled it, I didn’t remember this part.
So….I whipped up a little in my Magic Bullet to get it into a not so pretty saucy consistency.
I grilled up 2 organic chicken breasts with sea salt and black pepper.
Then, during the last 5 minutes brushed the sauce and flipped them about 2-3 times.
This is the 7 point salad I was dreaming of ALL day…..
Organic Mixed greens & Arugula
Mini Bell Peppers
Organic Cherry Tomatoes
Organic Strawberries
4 oz Grilled Balsamic tasting chicken
1 Tbsp Homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette
I LOVE salads that include these little fresh mozzarella balls 🙂
As much as I LOVED my salad, I was STILL hungry.l I drank water and waited an hour but I am HUNGRY. So, I decided to try these new to me Ozery Cranberry Orange Breakfast Pitas I picked up at Whole Foods today.
Have you all ever seen these? They have a bunch of flavors…the ingredient list is long, but, it’s mainly vitamins which I found interesting.
3 points for one – not too bad!
Canada Readers….they are made in Toronto, ON ~ cool!!!
Toasted with ICBINB Spray. I really like them ` they are sorta like an English muffin, but, doughy/chewy like a bagel. I didn’t taste any orange, but, there are tons of cranberries.
ENTER THE EAT BETTER AMERICA GROCERY GIVEAWAY for your chance to win a $25 Grocery Gift Card!
Night all!
1. i’m ridiculously in love with your blog (and you, duh)! i started reading it about 1 month ago and it’s the only blog that i HAVE to check every. single. day.
2. i went to lunch with the mama today, drove around for 15 minutes trying to decide on a place, saw panda express, screamed out “ohh danica loves panda express! let’s do ittt,” and completely devoured my string bean chicken within 3.2 seconds. shocker.
3. i bought a mini food processor yesterday after seeing from your blog how absolutely fabulous it is! so excited for operation banana fro-yo.
4. next purchase: starbucks re-usable cup. is it worth it?! i’m teetering.
5. i started my own foodie blog a week ago and i’m glad to say that you were my inspiration! hopefully mine will be as fabulous as yours one day.
6. ok enough rambling for now. you’re the best. keep up the good work!
Sometimes all it takes is a little kick butt workout to regenerate our endorphins to gain that motivation back. I know what you mean, I’ve been feeling the lack of desire too, but it’s been rainy and cool and I never seem to enjoy going to the gym when the weather is bad. Hopefully spring weather will boost my mood! 🙂
Happy Friday dear.
I love the looks of that breakfast wrap- a jalapeno tortilla sounds AMAZING!
And that looks like a rockin’ salad! Mmmm 🙂
Have a great weekend!!
That is totally the exact meal I get from Panda Express every time. My hubby always makes fun of me cause its almost all vegies…haha It is so yummy though!! I am so happy that there is a booth like that at your farmers market. What a great way to get the word out on being healthy for your children and setting a good example!!
HI Lauriel,
I LOVE cool comments like yours – thanks so much for reading and for leaving such a great comment! I am glad to have you as a follower 😀
* I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Panda Express ~ really all GOOD chinese food, but, I LOVE places that post their nutritionals and make an attempt to make foods healthier….to me Panda falls into this bucket. It’s hard to not eat it super fast 🙂
* I think you will LOVE your mini processor – it’s honestly one of my FAVORITE gadgets. I use it for finely chopping, making pesto, BANANA FROYO and more 😀 Can’t wait to hear what you think.
* I really LOVE my Starbuck’s Re-Usable cup and use it for more than Starbuck’s. I add smoothies, iced teas, iced water with lemon – you name it. You don’t have to get the Starbuck’s Brand – any re-usuable cup will do because you are helping the environment and being greener. You can get them for $7.99 at Bed, Bath & Beyond – if you sign up for their email you can get a 20% off coupon and get more. I have two that I rotate in case I am too lazy to wash one 🙂
I just checked out your site and it’s AWESOME – Your asian salmon salad and those fancy cookies made me drool…oh and you are a total doll too 😉
Have a great day!
Love the farmers market goodies! 🙂
Salad looks delicious! 🙂 Pitas look good too! YUM!
You’re right…there’s something about chinese food that always leaves me reaching for fortune cookies. hahaha but that might just be true for every single food.
P.s. I’m giving away 2 jars of organic preserves and immediately thought they would go with your grits! hahah I promise Food for Thought jams are waaaaaayyyy more awesome! Does Strawberry basil preserves or blueberry merlot jam strike your fancy?
that’s cool you can go to the farmer’s market every thurs. I have to get into a routine with that!
Hey Danica! I used to read your blog a long time ago and just thought I’d check in. I signed up for Weight Watchers but I already feel like giving up. How many points do you get a day? What is your best advice to stay on track?
Also, I work at Starbucks where there is lots of temptation. Btw, isn’t the drink you get an Iced Caramel Macchiato? or an upside-down iced cm? You say its a decaf iced latte with caramel drizzle, but maybe it’s because you don’t get any syrup in your drink?
Well anyway, take it easy! 🙂
HI Jess,
Welcome back 🙂 Yeah for signing up for Weight Watchers – how long have you been doing it. I currently get 26 points a day, but have been as low as 22 points a day, as you know it can vary.
My best advice is to remember your reason that you originally started – what motivated you to join Weight Watchers. It’s all about the journey and changing your lifestyle to be a healthy one you can live with. Do you maybe need to mix it up with some new recipes and a little variety? Do you use your extra Weekly Points Allowance? I find that when I get a little bored with things, those two things really help. When my weight loss stalls, I tend to re-evaluate if I am actually following the program and write down every single thing.
As for working at Starbucks – FUN! Do you bring your own things to eat so you are not tempted? I definitely think you should bring food you are EXCITED to eat – if I have just a bag of carrots and I am trying to use that from eating lemon pound cake – it would be hard to resist the pound cake. If I worked there, I know I would plan for my daily latte, maybe teas and coffees. Then, like once a week pick any treat you want to have, use your WPA and enjoy it slowly and thoroughly. If you find you eat several of the meals/snacks, then, point them out BEFORE you eat them to decide if they are really worth it. For me, there are too few points to waste on food that is just ok.
I actually order my lattes without the vanilla syrup to save on points, calories and because they are too sweet for me. I gave up artificial sweeteners 5 years ago so I don’t order caramel machiattos anymore. I basically order a fat free decaf latte with caramel drizzle on the top only.
Good luck, good luck ~ I hope this helps a little. Let me know if I can answer anything else.