Happy Weekend all! This is one of the giveaways I’ve been waiting to share with you all just so I could post it while we are travelling back from Jamaica. As several of you know, I absolutely fell in love with my Weight Watchers Active Link pretty quickly after buying it just 12 weeks ago. You know I had to give it a name (like my BM) and I call it AL for short.
Although it is similar to Fit Bit, AL is owned by an entirely different company and AL links right up with your Weight Watchers E-Tools Online Tracker to reflect all your Activity Points earned.
As you all know, I do have a slight gadget fetish (and yes, I wear two gadgets at a time!), but, I am all about spending the money to invest in myself when it is going to benefit me by helping me to change my lifestyle.
I could spend $39.95 going out to dinner, the movies, at Starbuck’s or I could buy something that helps me achieve lifelong results by indirectly encouraging me to change my lifestyle.
There is also a $5 a month fee that gets billed through your weightwatchers.com e-tools membership.
In the box you will find a clip on the left to wear the active link on your hip, shirt or on your bra. The Active Link is the USB drive in the middle and then, there is a clip on the right in case you want to wear it as a necklace.
I will say I WISH there was a cord in the box to wear it as a necklace….I feel like if you give me a clip to wear it as a necklace, then, it needs to have the necklace.
Setting up the Active Link Device is super easy. You plug in the USB, download the FREE Active Link Software at GetActiveLink.Com. Then, sign into your Weight Watcher’s E-Tools account when it pops up.
There are a few steps to follow to set up that take about 2 minutes. You select your time zone and the place where you plan to where your active link…in your pocket, on your belt/waist, tight on your chest (inside your bra so no one sees it) or loose on your chest (on that necklace they didn’t give you)
The home screen pops up with a notice letting you know that your first 8 days are an assessment. Active Link uses this time to determine what your average baseline activity is each day. Your baseline is the minimum activity you need to achieve each day factoring in all your movement throughout the day, not just when you exercise.
Once your baseline is determined, Active Link will create a 12 Week Challenge that is customized for you based entirely on your average baseline activity plus a little increase by week to help encourage you to move more each week.
The one thing I think makes Activity Link Better than any device I’ve used (Body Bugg, Body Media (BM) Devices, Garmin, Pedometer, Heart Rate Monitor ~ told ya, I like gadgets lol!) is that it is WATERPROOF! you can wear it swimming or if you accidentally wash it, it’s OK ~ you just earn a lot of activity points the day it hits the washer.
The one thing that was a selling point for me is that it is linked up to my Weight Watchers E-Tools tracker to I can truly see how many Activity Points I earn each day and not just “estimate”.
I also like that you have to meet your baseline activity BEFORE your activity points kick in.
Here are a few posts I’ve completed to share my experience with AL over the past 12 weeks to give you an idea of why everyone needs to have AL in their life.
I still owe you all My 12 Week Challenge Conclusion and what’s next post, but I have to wait until my first challenge is finished tomorrow.
I will say that In addition to helping me find ways to move more throughout the entire day to help meet my daily target, I LOST 15 lbs while wearing AL….definitely $ well spent any day in my book!
ONE LUCKY WINNER WILL RECEIVE A WW ACTIVE LINK & $60 to pay for the first year subscription:
- Note: you must have a Weight Watchers online or e-Tools subscription and be willing to pay the $5 monthly fee to use AL after the fist year is up. Contest is open to everyone.
1) Simply leave your FIRST comment telling me what you do each day to fit in more activity.
2) TWEET and/or Facebook about this giveaway, “ Want to win a #WeightWatchers #ActiveLink + 1 year subscription? Enter this #Giveaway hosted by @danicasdaily http://danicasdaily.com/?p=40401 “. Be sure to leave your SECOND comment to let me know you did.
3) If you have a blog, LINK back to this contest and leave a THIRD comment letting me know you did.
If you do not have a blog, just leave a comment below telling me someone you told about this giveaway.
The Fine Print: This giveaway is sponsored solely by Danica’s Daily and is not affiliated with Weight Watchers or Active Link in any way.
The Winner will be randomly drawn and announced on Wednesday, November 28, 2012.
Good Luck Everyone!
I try and park further away in the parking lot when I go shopping and enjoy discovering new places walking my dogs
Tweeted – SarahLou1976
I use our treadmill and home weights. I also try and walk the neighborhood
With my husband to get an extra dose of fresh air and excersise!
Just tweeted about your giveaway!
I try to walk my dogs daily!
I play with the dogs and go on walks. I also take the stairs at work.
I’ve started getting up everyday to hit the treadmill prior to work
I walk a lot at work anyway, but I make sure to jump up and walk through the office if I’ve been sitting a while.
I wake up at 5 Monday through Friday to either attend a strength class, run or do the elliptical. I sometimes wake up early on the weekends to do the same, but some weekends, I just catch up on sleep! 🙂
I have started walking during my lunch break.
I tweeted (and it copied to Facebook) @CagleElizabeth
I don’t have a blog, but I told my sister-in-law about the giveaway!
I do the eliptical each day. I started with 20 minutes and have worked up to 44 minutes –5.25 miles. The key to my moving is music.
I’ve been going up and down the basement steps more and doing some cardio every day.
My daughter would benefit from this. Told her to come put her name in.
I do not have a blog so I told my husband about this. If I don’t win, maybe he or someone in the family will buy it for me for Christmas:)
I go for a walk around our worksite at lunch!
Instead of asking somebody to run up and down the basement stairs at home down to the big freezer or extra refridgerator, I do it my self and I sprint 2 steps at a time 🙂
Tweeted about your blog and the givewaway!
1.) I just tweeted about your giveaway! I’ve recently started up WW online and would be thrilled to have the opportunity to use the AL to track progress and motivate me on my journey. 2.) I’ve been trying to create more time in the day by waking an hour earlier to hit the treadmill. Also – I took small hand weights and ankle weights to my office place. I try to implement 5-7 minutes per hour of small range activities right in my office (curls, lifts, squats, etc). I figure I’m adding anywhere from 30-40 minutes per day rather than my usual sendentary day! 3.) I live 850 miles away from my family – I have a sister, an aunt and two cousins who also just started WW online. I share this giveaway with them – thanks for the opportunity! 🙂
I walk first thing before I find reasons to not do it.
Making a point to invite friends to meet up for a power walk. That way…no backing out!
I try to walk, but I need help with motivation hence why I need the activelink!
I tweeted about this giveaway!
I schedule work around the gym. Taking care of me is as important as taking care of others!
I posted on fb about giveaway!
I don’t have a blog but I told my mom and my best friend about this giveaway.
I take the baby for a walk or hop on the treadmill.
Just tweeted! @heathergdr
This would really help keep me accountable!
I use my elliptical trainer and try to go up and down my stairs as often as I can.
Wow I would love to try AL!
i joined the local YMCA and am trying all the classes!!! Also walk our dogs and use my stepper!! I have told my daughter about this and my sister. My sister is joining weight
watchers this week!!!
Don’t have a blog!!!!
I walk everywhere and if there’s a chance to take a short cut I don’t I purposely climb hill just to get a better workout in!
I tweeted it 🙂
I work on the 8th floor of a big high rise and I always take the stairs!
To add in more activity I take the long walk home after dropping my son at school. And then I leave 20 minutes early to pick him up. I also no longer get the groceries delivered, I carry them all home.
I usually just take the first parking place I see. I figure I can walk and get inside quicker than driving around the lot for a spot plus I get some extra exercise.
I don’t have a blog but told my friend Kevin about this great giveaway!
I walk the dog, do Jillian Michael’s Body Revolution workouts, take the stairs at work to go to a restroom farther away than I have to and time and weather permitting, grab a lunch time walk.
Don’t have a blog but told my friends about this!
I try to get extra activity by taking the stairs instead of the elevator!
Told my Mom and Sister about the giveaway!!
I attend group fitness classes, including zumba and aquafit, at my local YMCA at least five days a week. On weekends, whilst running errands, I park a good distance from where I need to get to, just to get in a little extra exercise.
I have started a fitness game at work which motivates everyone to move for at least 20 minutes 6 days per week.
I posted a link on my facebook page.
I emailed several family members to share the give away with them!
I go to boot camp 3 mornings a week and try to run 3 days a week!
I’m just getting back into WW after being wrapped up in work for too long. I’m starting small — a couple of ten-minute walks every day 🙂
Try to get a walk around the neighborhood every day, and park my car way out in the parking lot. Also do a couple of laps at the mall every chance I get.
I ride my stationary bike for 30 minutes every morning:)
I try for an extra lap around the park with my dogs if I’m feeling good. I’m already out so what’s an extra five minutes?!
Awesome giveaway! I’ve just joined a boot camp to keep me active over these crazy holiday weeks!
And I don’t blog but I am letting my mom know about this giveaway!
This will definitely help with the holiday weight-watching!!!
I told my daughter about this!!
This is great!
I have been walking more and am doing a push-up challenge (workingup to 20 full push ups every day). I don’t have a web site but I will tell my sister and mom about this
I take a couple breaks during the day to walk around the office building where I work. Four times around is a mile. So if I do I do two laps each time that’s a good start for my daily activity,:-) I told my friends @ work who are W.W. about the giveaway.
What a great idea! This would help keep me ww motivated! I will tell my teacher friends about this! Also, thank you for putting so much into your blog!
My dog is the best exercise machine ever – when those spaniel eyes look at me who can resist? And I walk him every day because HE needs it, as a mom I am great at doing things for others, not so great at doing things for me. Odie solves that.
I don’t have a blog but I am following Weight Watcbers and love the PointsPlus program. Having fun with the recipe builder, etc. Would love to win this giveaway of Active Link!! Walking is my current activity but anxiously awaiting to get back to my Zumba classes as soon as a pesky leg injury is healed. Love your site and recipes and inspiration! Thank you. Janet
I walk during my hour lunch break every day! I have friends I walk with, we motivate each other!
I told my best friend about this since we both struggle about getting in exercise.
I posted on Facebook!
I also make myself get up and move around during every commercial when I am wsrching TV.
I sent out a tweet telling my followers about the give away.
This would be great motivation to compliment my run club I have joined.
I have a popup on my phone/ipad that everyday reminds me at 8pm to get in at least 15 minutes of exercise a day. I have been wanting to get one of these to see what my activity REALLY is!
Trying to get in more exercise, especially during the holiday season. At school, I do alot of walking during my prep period!!
I will certainly tell my co-workers at school about your giveaway. I love your site, by the way!!!!
Posted it on Facebook and already had one “like”
I get up early on days when I know my schedule is too busy to fit in otherwise.
I dusted off the Wii (don’t laugh) and have been playing tennis or other Wii Sports games as well as Wii Fit. It kind of felt cheatish at first, but I figure I am a) sweating and b) more out of breath, so it must be working.
2nd entry – I posted on facebook
3rd – I don’t have a blog, but did tell my Mom and husband about the giveaway.
Hi Danica,
To keep fit I started running. I love running because of the challenge it offers me mentally and physically.
I shared your give away contest on Facebook. I’m sure that all of my WW friends wil want to enter to try to win the new WW Active Link.
I reached my goal with WW, but 3 pounds have crept back. I need better accountability with my activity. I think the active link would be so helpful!
Posted on FB! 🙂
The is did first two and don’t blog 🙂
I will tell my WW friends to enter!
I do some kind of exercise every morning whether at the gym or walking to a DVD. Using my heart rate monitor motivates me to exercise a little longer to earn more activity points. I only use the heart rate monitor during active exercise. I’m interested in getting the Activelink to keep me moving during the rest of the day.
I do water aerobics and love the idea that gadget is waterproof.
I try to attend Zumba classes 2-3 times a week and I also bike to get in exercise.
I have been waiting for this giveaway!! I have been wanting one forever! I have rheumatoid arthritis, so moving a lot is hard for me. I need the encouragement to do just a bit more each day. I try to get more movement by parking farther away from stores and walk around while my kids are playing outside.
I like to go on my Wii fit or play Just Dance.
I am recommitting to WW and NOT waiting until January to do it! I am working on establishing positive routines so that I can “hit the ground running” in the New Year.
I will get myself back to the gym and ActiveLink would really help me to stay on track!!!
I just Texted my friend about this giveaway!
I don’t have a blog, but told a friend from my meetings about your awesome giveaway!
Posted on Facebook.
Gym 3-4 times a week at 5am!!! Also I like zumba and my daughter and I love to get a sweaty sesh of raquetball in!!
I don’t have a blog but I texted my daughter about this contest.
Just posted on facebook! 🙂
I shared this on my facebook wall
I do not have a website….. yet 🙂 working up the courage
I go to the gym/Zumba pretty regularly….but I definitely try to do laps around the school I work at during my free time to get more movement in. If I have to return my student’s quiz, I try to hand deliver it to the teacher’s room or mailbox rather than just walking down the hall and having someone else do it.
OK…… and just tweeted about the giveaway!!! (Twitter name = Chele615)
I walk during my lunch break at work. 2 1/2 miles each times adds up!
Hi Danica- I am just starting to get back into WW again….starting to do quick walks on breaks each day and in the AM. This looks like it would be a great tool and motivator. Thanks so much for doing this!
Just shared your exciting giveaway on my Facebook wall!!
I told my best WW buddy about this giveaway!
Danica, Ive been working with WW program pushing 2 years come Jan 2013.
Ive been working on the eliptical machine, easy on the knees. thank you for providing this giveaway
I just shared your link for the giveaway on my facebook and called a friend to let her know! I dont Tweet (to much other things to keep up with..lol) and I dont blog, I just love reading and keeping up with everyone else’s blog!
I also tweeted this.
Finally, I don’t have a blog, but I was telling my friend (who I go to WW with every week) about the giveaway. Hopefully, she’ll head over here too! 🙂
I walk a 4 mile path by my house. Although it’s getting too cold for me to do that, so I’ll have to dust off my treadmill & use that for the winter.
i try to walk the stairs in my building daily. The building is six stories.
i think this would really help me stay on track! i do not have a blog
I do a wii active workout to get more exercise
I tweeted about it
I told my sister about this giveaway
i take the stairs
told my sister about Active Link, your blog and that she should start reading it!
I park 1/4 mile away from my desk; in addition I ride a stationary bike 1/2 hr in the am.
I’ve started dancing during commercials and also walking up to get the newspaper and mail each day (we have a VERY looonnnngggg driveway!).
Kitchen exercises!
I told my friend Dee about your awesome giveaway! Also, since I didn’t answer your question in my first comment I will now- I like to take a walk at the harbor or on the beach trail. I like to be outside rather than in a gym…
Now that I’ve gorged myself like crazy these last few days it’s time to get back to the gym. I already have my bag packed for tomorrow and plan on making it there 4 times this week to help stay motivated over the holidays!
I just shared this phenomenal giveaway with my bestest friend, who is struggling at her weight loss journey.
I try to walk M-F and my two breaks while I am at work and I go to a Zumba class twice a week.
I love to ride my bike! It gives me a chance to get outside and get some fresh air and at the same time I can take my daughter out in the bike trailer and we can go to the park and she can get some exercise in 😛
Hi Danica, I am so excited about the active link. I was just at my meeting and I was asking if it takes into account that I am 73. As I understand it does???? Hope this is true. I sure couldn’t do what you do! 😉 I had just talked to my Husband about it and he has said go for it. Wow this would really be wonderful to win it! Thanks for the opportunity.
I just told my Daughter about this giveaway. Thanks again.
I’m going to start taking the stairs at work to get more activity in. I think I’ll also start printing to the far away printer too!
Hey Danica! I hope you enjoyed your trip. 🙂
Honestly, right now, I’m not doing much in the way of exercise. I’ve gotten off-track since school started back up this fall and had I some minor surgery that set me back a little, too. But I’m ready to get started again! Lord willing, I’m going to be walking and doing exercise videos starting this week. I’m ready to get going again and winning the AL would be a huge help.
Posted on Facebook 🙂
I am getting more activity in my day by getting up before my kids to get in 30 minutes of activity!!
I just shared the link to this post on facebook 🙂
I will be giving a shout out to you on my blog entry tonight!
I told my very good friend who is also a WW’er about the giveaway.
I participate in a boot camp as my workout routine for physical activity.
I shared this giveaway on Facebook.
I ride my stationary bike while watching tv. Would love to have AL to help me push to do more.
I told my friend Nancy about this giveaway
I would love something that tracks in terms of points
I would love to win this, I do Les Mills Pump and the elliptical.
I park at the end of the parking lot…365 days a year…to walk more!
tweeted: https://twitter.com/kymom13/status/272806947642826752
I told my mom and husband about this giveaway as we are all trying to add more exercise into our lives to improve our health!
Hi Danica! I would start my treadmill workout again..15% incline at 3.8 for 1 hour!
I am taking the stairs up 5 flights whenever I have to take the Elevator at work. Trying to run to catch my bus or walk briskly!
Told my fellow WW’s about it!
Hi Danica, I’m just starting to exercise and track with e-tools, so this would be great. I told my BFF about the giveaway.
I just joined weight watchers 2 weeks ago after just having a baby. I am just starting to walk for now and will start jillians 30 day shred soon. please pick me
I love cycling daily—great low impact cardio!
I walk, on average 5 miles a day at work!
I have shared this Link on My FB Page!
I have told my good friends about this contest and your website!
walk, walk, walk…..
all the teachers at school know….
I walk to work instead of taking the bus!
I told my mom about the giveaway.
I definitely haven’t been diligent about getting physical activity in, but I try to walk as much while doing daily tasks as possible. I do simple things, like parking as far from an entrance as possible.
Tweeted @tasteshappiness
Just found your site and am so excited to try some of your recipes this week. I am into my 20th week of Weight Watchers and am eating healthier than I ever have. I’ve just logged in 125 visits to the gym, which is quite an accomplishment for me. I also just rescued an elliptical machine which will give me additional workout opportunities.
I was excited to read your review of the ActiveLink as I have been thinking about purchasing one myself.
I try to use my treadmill every day, even if it is just for twenty minutes.
I tweeted about your giveaway.
I told my daughter about your giveaway.
I get up at 5:00a.m. and walk every day at 5:30 for 4 miles and then do a jazzersize or zumba class 5 days a week.
I just posted about the giveaway on my facebook page.
I told my good friend who is a WW member about your giveaway.
walk, stand up more- at work, talking, in meetings, at home, cook, clean, Zumba, Body pump
I walk around my work building a few times a week which equals exactly one mile.
I go to the gym first thing each morning.
I liked your facebook. I don’t know how to do much more.
I run and eat vegan as much as possible
I walk every chance I can! I even park as far away as I can.
Haha, “The Talk” is one of my daily vibes. I walk on the treadmill while watching, so I’m not just sitting around during the day!
I try to stay active every day by getting to the gym, cleaning, walking, and playing with my kids. I try to just keep moving every day!
Tweeted about the giveaway!
I try to run when I can. If I can’t fit in a workout, I’ll try to park a little further away or take the long way to where I need to go (at work). I am looking for ways to better my weight loss by incorporating more exercise into my daily routine. I think active link would act as a great motivator!
Blogged about the Active Link and this giveaway!
I walk more places and take the stairs when I can.
I told my co-workers about your blog and the give away.
I tweeted about the give away. Twitter name is rizzogurl.
I get up at 552am to go work out at my neighbor-friends house. If it weren’t for these early morning workouts, it wouldn’t happen. I try to squeeze in treadmill time in the afternoon/evening, but family time sometimes derails that.
I just posted on my FB page!
Increase walking!!!
I told my daughter about your giveaway! What a great opportunity!
I do circut training 6 days a week
I posted on my Facebook page
I told my daughter
I told my mom and my BFF about this giveaway!
Thanks for all that you do Danica 🙂
I told my study group about the giveaway!
I care for my mother (97) who lives with my husband and me. I’ve had little chance to take time out for my personal well-health and physical activity – but definitely need to get back on track. I just discovered your website on pinterest and receive “Danica’s Daily” and love it. Thanks for sharing!!! I need all the help I can get.
I do squats while brushing my teeth.
I attend the 5:30 spin class 3 days a week and use my eliptical 2 days a week.
I liked your facebook
Told family member about the Activelink
I walk every day at lunch & chat with the hubby on my phone. I also do yoga 3-4 times a week. I’ve considered getting AL but I’m afraid the yoga won’t show up. Have you tried it and does it work?
I walk for an hour at least 5 days a week. Had to get a hunter orange jacket to be safe this month. Had to add mittens and ear muffs this week….been cold and windy. Pam
At work, I drink lots and lots of water (up to get the water from the cooler), which means lots and lots of trips to the rest room!! 😉 Two birds, one stone. 🙂
I told my WW group!
I told two of my neighbours!
I love the elliptical machine. I’ve had an injury for over a year now and that doesn’t irritate it.
I try to take as many walks during the day at work as possible. Even if it’s just a quick 15 minute walk, it adds up.
I don’t have a blog, but I told all of my co-workers about this giveaway.
I just posted the give away on Facebook
I’m telling my WW group this week. Pam
I take the stairs instead of the elevator to get more activity!
I take the stairs more often and I also park further away in the parking lot. I take my running shoes to the kids soccer practice and either run or walk while they are practicing.
Hubby and I go to Planet Fitness weekdays (except for Tuesday), we walk a 5K path on Saturdays and do a gym day on Sunday. Additionally, I do Zumba on Thursday nights with the girls from work.
don’t have a blog…but told friends at my WW meeting
I am taking the stairs with my kids now and parking further away in parking lots – they think its a great adventure!
I don’t have a blog but I have told several friends and my mother about this blog and giveaway
I take the stairs instead of the elevator at work and I also park far away and walk a greater distance when going to stores.
I try to always take the stairs instead of the elevator, stand while folding laundry, and also park as far away from the stores as possible; this gets in a few extra steps and this girl will take anything she can get!
Posted to Facebook! I want to win this SOOOOO BAD!!!! 🙂
I don’t have a blog but I follow you and Facebook and subscribe to your blog so that’s how I found out about this giveaway. Hope I win!!!!!! 🙂
I love my jazzercise classes! I also make excuses to get up from my desk throughout the day to move!
I get up early to work out since I know it’s way to easy to lose all motivation later in the day…
I hop on my pilates machine while watching tv at night.
The alarm is set every morning for 4:31 AM to get that workout in before everyone else in the house stirs.
I sent a tweet about the give away!
I don’t have a blog…I sent an e mail to my friends and coworkers! Thanks!!
I’m figuring out how to move more in all areas of my day. I replaced my desk chair with a balance ball, and I actually get up and take my break time to walk or climb the stairs (if it is too cold outside.) It would be fascinating to see the baseline and work up from there! Thanks for the opportunity!!
I live in a 2 story house with a basement. I try to go up and down the stairs instead of hollering at my family from the top/bottom.
I do not tweet or do FB. I know, there are a few of us outcasts out there, but I told my neighbor!
Going for comment 3… I don’t blog either. I did, however, email my leader about this contest! I have already told her about your blog.
I would love to win this!!
I walk on the treadmill to exercise. I have been on WW for 10 weeks now, and have lost over 17 lbs. Our unit is not going to “support” AL, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do it on my own! Thanks for doing this!
I Facebooked and Tweeted the offer. 🙂
…And I just blogged about it, too. 🙂
I try to be more active each day. I’ve started doing strength exercises.
I get up before everyone else and get some time in on the treadmill 🙂 I aim for at least 2 miles. Always gets me started on the right foot :))
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/FitLifeRun/status/273117842545713152
I added a post about this giveaway on my blog 🙂
I tweeted about this on Twitter
Sorry if this reposts again but I don’t see it listed in the comments. I blogged about this giveaway
I take the stairs always, I walk the dog each night and am starting the Leslie Sansone Walk DVR
I tweeted about the give away
I ride my bike to work (and I would LOVE to have this)
Posted about the giveaway on facebook!
I am a work from home Grandma with a sedentary computer job and am challenging myself to get moving for the last 5 weeks of the year — I have a small rebounder that I go on every morning and also walk around our neighborhood in the evenings with my hubby.
Just posted on FB! 🙂
Just posted on my blog! 🙂 http://tonis-ww-journey.blogspot.com/
Although I don’t have a blog, I’ve announced this giveaway at my WW meeting!
I love this idea. I work out a lot, and I have a really hard time matching the stuff I do with the activity tracker. I know I often guess and miss. Plus, I’m not a naturally active person. I need all the positive reinforcement I can get.
Take the stairs to the fourth floor at work!
I tweeted! Yay!
I get up each day and walk on the treadmill – somedays only 5 minutes but it is walking.
I would like to try the AL – my WW leader says she can’t end the day unless she get 100% activity – unsure if I would be this motivated.
I do 25 crunches, and 25 butt squeezes, then do a series of weights each morning!
I posted this announcement about your giveaway to my Facebook timeline, and also told my friend Pam Hall at work about it– she is a big fan of yours too!
I try to get to the gym 5-6 times a week. I also park farther away and get up from my desk every few hours and walk around. I feel so much better when I work out!
Just left a link on my Facebook!
I force myself to get out on my lunch break eveyrday. I eat my lunch and then walk to my car in the back of the parking lot and drive to the mall or a nearby shopping center where i try to walk for at least 30 minutes.
Added a link on my blog! http://babystepstoabetterlife.wordpress.com/
I, usually come home from work every day,and insted of sitting my but down,as I use to do,I start in on my exerciing on my gazelle,and everytime a commercial come on tv/ I run up and down the steps,and each time I try to do more then the commerical before. And with working in a bakery,it’s even harder you would think but not for me,i have [lanned each day,and check off my task, as i do them. Not once have I eaten from the bakery,because I have wasted enought of my life,so as I move on to the new me,I have learned not to give up to thinness. But with this new Active link, I feel it will hold me more accountable to attained that goal.
I told my daughter about your giveaway.
To earn a few more activity points, I walk my son to school everyday. I also bring our dog along which means he gets his walk and I don’t have to drag him running with me. A win win for everyone!
I just shared the link to your giveaway and website through Facebook. I don’t have a blog but I did tell another ww buddy about your site and giveaway! Have a great evening!
I walk or bike the half-mile from my house to campus every day. Its easier to drive, but at least by walking I don’t feel guilty if I don’t make it to the gym. I would love to try the active link but it doesn’t fit into the already-tight budget of this poor college student!
I tweeted about your giveaway! @maggieoco
I don’t have a blog but I told my roommate (who is also on WW) about the giveaway!
My daughter has to do push ups daily for gym class. I’ve started getting up in the morning and doing them with her. It helps get the day off to a good start. We’ve added crunches to our morning routine, too.
I tweeted about your giveaway. @ suziqzee
I emailed the link to the giveaway to my mom.
I do 10 of yoga in the morning to get myself off on the right foot- which is great because it provides a little activity too!
I shared this with my friend, but I don’t have a blog!
I recently trained for a 5k so running has become a new favorite of mine. Even though our next class doesn’t start until January a group of us are going to continue to train until then.
I exit the elevator a few floor before the one I want, depending on my time crunch (I work in a hospital) and walk the stairs. Great extra activity!!
I just shared with my WW buddies!! (No website or blog for me)
I am currently walking three miles everyone morning at 5:30 am( complete darkness)!!! Look forward to each morning and feel sluggish when I don’t!
I posted on my Facebook page!!!
Posted the giveaway at http://withering-a-way.blogspot.com/
I take the steps at work whenever I can and cycle at the gym at least 3 times a week!
I don’t have a blog but Itold someone at work about your giveaway!
At work I take the stairs instead of the elevator when going between floors.
I Tweeted about the contest. 🙂
I go walk at the park directly after work!
And I shared the contest with my Weight Watchers at Work group (no blog). Thanks for the chance to win the AL and the year’s subcription! Awesome!!
I told all my facebook friends about your giveaway!
I’m a part of the Indianapolis Hiking Club and try to go on the more challenging hikes as often as I can.
I have an elliptical at home that I use 5 – 6 times a week (for 30 to 35 minutes each time). But I am totally stuck in a rut (and BORED). I think the WW Active Link would help boost my awareness of how much activity I really need to do in order to lose weight.
I told my wife Sierra about your give away.
I try to fit in a workout during my lunch hour at work, and if something comes up I try to go for a run or hit the elliptical machine at home!
I tweeted about the contest @brandnewmuse 🙂
…also mentioned it to my co-worker 🙂
I do little things throughout the day to add in activity – I take the stairs at work, park far away, walk whenever I can..it all adds up!
Tweeted about it too 🙂 @zumbalisa
I’ve been using an exercise ball due to an injured foot–I love it!
I posted to facebook
I’ve told a coworker who also goes to ww about contest
I try to get a run in everyday! Since joining weight watchers in April of this year I have lost 32 pounds! I would love this gadget! Sounds so cool!
I shared in Facebook!
I don’t do a lot of activity but would really like to work on that. I’ve been debating between the ActiveLink and Fitbit.
On my twitter and facebook.
On my blog!!
This is my first week using the ActiveLink after establishing my baseline. So far, so good.
I posted the giveaway on my Facebook page ( and I friended Danica’s Daily 🙂
I take the stairs whenever possible and park far away to increase my walking.
I added the link to my Facebook account
I don’t have a blog
I hop on my elliptical every day to make sure I get my activity in!
I add extra activity by mopping the floors with hand towels under my feet! I dance, I stretch, I squat whatever it takes to mop the floor!
I justed added your giveaway to my FB page! I hope I win!!!!!!
okay- I am not a blogger but, I did Pin it!
I would love to win this AL! I have one on my christmas wish list- santa can come early 🙂