HAPPY MONDAY ALL! The FANTASTIC peeps over at I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter want to help you get healthier by MAKING OVER YOUR REFRIGERATOR ($100 Grocery Gift Card Included) as part of March’s National Nutrition Month.
Making over your fridge is easier than you think ~ Just follow these EASY STEPS!
2. Fill it with fresh, healthy food
3. Have fun with some new recipes & start cooking with the fresh taste of butter, the healthier way
* $100 grocery store gift card
* Healthy recipes & tips to get your grocery list started
* Reach Right! package that includes a VIP coupon for a free tub of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter plus a $1.50 coupon for you & your friend off any ICBINB product!
* A reusable grocery bag
* A disposable camera to capture your before/after makeover shots!
1) Leave your FIRST comment below telling me why you NEED a FRIDGE Makeover.
2) TWEET about this giveaway and include”@danicasdaily is giving away a $100 @ICBINotButter Refrigerator Makeover! ~ Check it out ” in your tweet so I know you did. You can also post on Facebook including a link to this giveaway if you don’t tweet. Be sure to leave a SECOND comment to let me know you did.
3) If you have a blog, post a link back to this post and leave a THIRD comment with the link letting me know you did.
4) If you do not have a blog, leave a COMMENT letting me know at least one other person you told about the giveaway.
There you have it ~ THREE ways to enter to WIN your very own Fridge Makeover!
This contest is open until 11:59 PM PST Thursday,April 1, 2010!. The winner will be randomly drawn and announced Friday April 2, 2010.
My fridge is gross and it needs a good cleaning – both the fridge itself and its contents.
Oh boy I need a fridge makeover because I am inching closer and closer to going more towards the vegetarian lifestyle and would love to just throw out everything (or almost everything ha ha) and start fresh. I know there are things lurking in both fridge and freezer that are long past their use by dates ICK so a fresh start would be nice.
Emailed my sis with the link!
Promoted this post on my Facebook fan page for you
What a fun giveaway. I would love to give my fridge a good spring cleaning:)
my fridge definitely needs a cleaning…i just had a party here this weekend and now its full of random leftovers that need to go!
The farmer’s market is going to open on June 3rd here in the high desert, and while that’s a ways away – to get through mother nature’s last snow storms, I desperately need something to do in anticipation of fresh local produce!
I need this giveaway, because I come home from college to find nothing but an empty fridge with really old condiments! Yuck!
I would love to win this fridge makeover because I just moved out on my own and would love to make a fresh start with this makeover to my pathetic looking fridge! 🙂
I also tweeted about this giveaway! @kayteekayric
I could really use a fridge makeover! Mine is a little dirty (I don’t think I’ve cleaned it since I’ve lived in my apartment oops!) and is currently really barren because I am on a super tight budget – it’s maybe 25% full and only has the bare essentials type items like peanut butter, a salad dressing, mustard, ketchup, leftovers and a few other items. I’d love to be able to stock it with some fun sauces and dressings to spice up my everyday meals and of course lots of fresh fruits and veggies!
Thanks for doing such a great giveaway!
Posted to blog. 🙂
i need a fridge makeover because here in manhattan, the fridge is not all that big, so i need to be able to maximize the space i do have with all healthy items! i have a feeling im not doing the best i can at the moment! help!
i don’t have a blog… but i told my mom about this! she would love to win as well
i am one of those people who saves EVERYTHING – probably for far too long! i could definitely use a fridge makeover! what a great giveaway 🙂
It is Spring Cleaning time and our fridge needs some elbow grease too. I’d also love to replace some of the husband’s less healthy options.
My fridge needs a two-fold makeover….1) I don’t think I’ve ever taken every single thing out of it and really cleaned it well. 2) I would like to replace some of my sauces, condiments with better options (get rid of everything that contains high fructose corn syrup)!
I posted a link in my blog’s sidebar. Thanks for the amazing giveaway opportunity!
my fridge definitely needs a makeover – we just moved, and it’s slim pickings in there!
and i don’t have a blog, but i told my best friend!
My fridge just has random leftovers, etc. in it since I’m a poor college student! All of your vegetables look lovely, and I’d love to have some more of those in my fridge!
I need a fridge makeover because God only knows what’s lurking in there!
It would motivate me to clean actually clean out the fridge—never taken everything out of it for a good cleaning
emailed my sister about the giveaway
I am a new empty nester and we deseparately need to clean out the refrigerator and beginning eating a more clean, nonprocessed diet. Can you help me? 🙂
I would LOVE to be able to makeover my fridge in a healthy way!
I need a makeover stat! I moved into my condo almost 3 years ago and I’ve yet to pull everything out and wipe it down, and sort out the expired condiments!
I tweeted!
Just emailed my mom and sister about the giveaway!
i NEED a fridge makeover because my roommates stock my fridge with SO MUCH JUNK!
facebooked and tweeted!
And I told DH and my bestie about this giveaway!
our fridge is pretty bad. We’ve been putting off cleaning it for way too long. I need to try to resurrect some tupperware!
I tweeted! My twitter name is possiblymaybe
I’m in DESPERATE need of a fridge makeover! Our fridge is from 1950 to begin with so any dirt looks exponentially worse than it would in a new fridge!
tweeted it too! 🙂
I need a fridge make-over because I’m getting married next year and need to lose 20lbs and healthy food is so expensive!
I need a fridge makeover because I need to clean up my diet! Or at least get some variety in it!!!
I tweeted!
Because I’m still at school, and our fridge is nasty!! Haven’t cleaned it out in quite a while. And I need food money! 😉
I need a fridge makeover because there is a mish-mosh of thing in there… some healthy, some not… and I really want it to be all natural!!
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/kristinsnibbles
I need a fridge makeover because a) haven’t cleaned it in wayy too long and b) I could use some grub to experiment with new recipes
Hi Danica,
I would love to win the makeover because, to be frank, I have derailed a bit from my clean eating habits, and I think a food gift card would allow me to buy some healthy foods. Plus, a before and after picture would help keep me pretty accountable for my food choices. Thanks for the cool giveaway! 🙂
As a follow-up (or my second entry you could say) I just told my best friend about the makeover giveaway. I think she will check out your blog after work today and enter herself. She has been struggling with starting a healthy lifestyle, and I think this makeover would push her in the right direction!
I could really use a makeover, my fridge is a complete mess right now!
My fridge is empty except for condiments, spinach, and leftovers… 🙁 I would love to fill it!!
I tweeted @LizzKelly:
@danicasdaily is giving away a $100 @ICBINotButter Refrigerator Makeover! ~ Check it out http://bit.ly/dqdhUU
I told my mom!
I think I need fridge makeover because there are alot of stuff in it that have either expired or lost. I mean lost by no one wants to touch them. Plus, I’d like to get more healthier recipes and leftovers in there.
Ok I tweeted, totally out of order but that’s just me 🙂
now I need a fridge make over because I need more ideas on snack type things that david will eat and ways to get protein outside of my too many nut servings!
just linked back! it is publishing now 😀
Wow – that’s a great prize package! I could use the $100 gift card to buy more mustard!! 😀
Happy Monday!
I need a fridge makeover because it is so dirty it is disgusting!
I FB’d your contest!
After seeing your makeover, I realize there’s some stuff I need to chuck as well, not only for me, but my husband and kids. Healthy eating should be for the whole family, not just the mom:)
I need a fridge makeover because my husband and I have dropped the ball on healthy eating. When our son was born we vowed to make changes, did lots of research, and for many months bought the good stuff (just never ate it). We somehow got stuck in our old habits of eating out, and eating for convenience. We could really use some help getting out of this rut!
My fridge needs to be cleaned, bad. I need a makeover where I can throw out all the random Tupperware of mystery items hidden in the back, and restock with fresh, healthy food!
I’m entering a third time b/c I don’t have a blog!!
I need a fridge makeover! Mostly because as a university student my grocery budget changes week to week and its hard to keep fully stocked on even just the basics! I make sure to eat as healthy as possible but a good foundation always helps!
I told my other bloggie reader roommates about the giveaway! They were excited and gonna check out your blog!
I need a fridge makeover because I’m a starving college student and my fridge reflects it! Overrun with condiments, disorganized, lackluster in the good healthy stuff 🙁 Your clean-out is amazingly inspiring for me to make a stab at it, too!
Oh and I told my sister about the giveaway, too!
I need a makeover because my fridge is empty!!
My fridge needs a makeover because it had to endure 2 feet of flood water a few weeks ago here in Massachusetts. Yes, water from the basement flooding actually got inside my fridge! (my fridge is in the basement) Yikes! I cleaned it but it’s feeling sad since I was unable to use it for about a week.
I need a clean out because I don’t know when the last time I went through all my bottles of sauces and condiments on the door was…
I want a fridge makeover because my fridge is mini and I need to maximize the space better!
I need a fridge makeover because I’m really trying to cut back on grocery bills and just get what I need and healthy stuff!
I totally need a fridge makeover. My fridge is a complete mess. I am in college and all of the food in my fridge appears to be junk and I need to get food that no longer contains the yucky high fructose corn syrup!! 🙂
Wow Danica what an awesome give a way!
I need a frig make over because with 2 college kids living at home and all of their friends who come over and eat we go through a ton of food!
Totally cool! Would love one, because I need to have room for fresh produce – come on, haul in those summer fruits!
Holy cannoli, best giveaway ever! I need a fridge makeover because it’s possible some of the condiments I have in there may be considered science experiments at this point lol
Linked ya back to my blog 🙂
I would love to win the $100 gift card. Supporting 3 people on 1 income, every little bit helps, OMG this is a great give away!
I need a fridge makeover because my DW thinks we should eliminate some things like HFCS from our diet, and I agree.
And I told my brother about this giveaway.
I could use a fridge makeover because I am nearly always on-the-go! As a teacher, a lover of yoga, and the wife of a youth pastor, meals are often thrown together. I need to stock up on foods that can easily come together to make quick, easy, delicious, AND healthy meals.
I’m so excited about this giveaway!
I love this idea 🙂
I need a fridge makeover for Spring, definitely! After taking our trip to Spain, it’s been hard getting back into a routine of planning meals, and having a total fridge cleanout and makeover would help SO much.
I linked this morning http://foodmakesfunfuel.com/2010/03/30/the-birthday-day/
I would love this!
My fridge needs a makeover to help my husband and I jump start healthier habits. There are lots of questionable ingredients in my fridge, that I’d love to replace with more natural alternatives.
I tweeted about the giveaway. Thanks!
I need a Fridge Makeover because we are moving into our new house in just 3 weeks! We just bought new appliances, so this would be the perfect opportunity to stock our new refrigerator with lots of healthy foods. Oh, and at 36 weeks pregnant, this gift card would be a huge help to me and my budget!
I (or should I say we) need a fridge makeover becasue I am getting a new lease on live and starting over after a 9 year relationship and I need to focus on me! However since I am temporarily living with my parents I want to make us over from the inside out. We need to get rid of take out and replace with fresh veggies and lean proteins. Not only are we doing it from a food perspective, tonight we all start yoga and walking!
Just told my bff about the giveaway, we’re both so excited!
I tweeted it too! How fun, twitter is pretty groovy!
I need a fridge makeover because right now it’s way too bare! We have beer, wine, and some condiments!
I need a fridge makeover because in college, sometimes I don’t pick the healthiest choices for meals! Also I would love ideas for easy prep meals that can also fit into a small, small fridge! I’m pretty sure there are some expired things in their too….
I tweeted!:)
I need a fridge makeover at the moment because I am stepping up my game for my little get healthy and ready for summer challenge! I need more fresh fruits and veggies!!! 🙂
I tweeted this! @josseatsfresh 🙂
heres my linkback
I NEED a fridge makeover because I’m trying to bulk up and eat more, but with healthy foods that I wish I had a bigger budget for!!
I need a makeover because the only things I’ve had in my fridge lately are bananas, bagels, yogurt, and milk. Definitely need to do something to improve upon that!
I NEED fridge makeover because I just found out I can’t tolerate gluten and wheat and had to get rid of SO MUCH STUFF and need to replace it now with GF goods!
Tweeted http://twitter.com/the_vegster/status/11329767597
linked: http://thevegster.wordpress.com/2010/03/30/theres-no-better-time-than-snack-time/
I need a fridge makeover to perge a lot of stuff that’s just sitting in there. It would be great to have a fresh start!
Oh man, I need this for SO many reasons. One being that my fridge is actually icky and literally NEEDS a makeover! Not to mention, I’ve got old stuff in there, and unhealthy stuff that I eat just because it’s there!
I tweeted!!
Linked back 🙂
Entry #1:
I need a fridge makeover because Spring is here and although I eat a healthy diet and keep the fridge cleaned out fairly well, it’s always nice to do a complete makeover – it not only freshens the fridge up, it makes me feel all happy and fresh, too!
Living on an Amish farm, there are a TON of chores and there just isn’t always time to keep a spic and span fridge. 😉
This is such a fantabulous giveaway, by the way!!!! 😀
I posted on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/posted.php?id=191960063091&share_id=104511556255533&comments=1#s104511556255533
I posted on Twitter: http://twitter.com/RawJuiceGirl/status/11337973212
I need to makeover my parent’s fridge at home. When I move back there, I want lots of fresh fruits and veggies!!
I need a fridge makeover because there are so many healthy new foods that I want to try.
I would love to have a fridge makeover. We always have a ton of lingering leftovers/old condiments that need to be cleaned out and replaced.
I tweeted!
just a note to say this give a way was shared via facebook and twitter
I would like this giveaway because being a mother of 5, a wife, and working full time. I am ashamed to say that I have fallen prey to the convenience (not-so-good) foods and my refrigerator as well as our food choices could use a clean start.
Good Luck all
now on to last but not least I have shared this with Katie Atkin amongst others.
I told the kids, when the fruit and veggies don’t fit in the fridge, there is a problem. Mine needs to be weeded out of the bottled stuff. Who knows what is in the back. Yikes!
I think this is my blog?Still working on it. O.K. I did a link back. My first one and blog, so bare with my newbieness ; 0
I tweeted, left a link on facebook, and a link on my blog at
Hey, I could REALLY use a fridge makeover!!!
I really need a fridge makeover because my family uses up all my healthy bought groceries and replaces them unhealthy leftovers that take up the entire fridge!
I don’t have Twitter, but I did linkback on my blog here:
I need a healthy fridge makeover because my refrigerator is mostly condiments! That, and I need to work on getting back to healthy, clean food. My freezer is well stocked, but a lot of it is processed bag-type meals. I could totally use the money to buy stuff that I could make in the crockpot so I can’t use getting off late as an excuse to eat unhealthy.
Oh, and no blog here, but I totally told my bff about your contest. She’s trying to lose weight but still eats lots of junk. She could use a refrigerator makeover even more than me, so I hope she enters!
I need a fridge makeover, because spring cleaning is on the horizon and I am pretty sure there is food that has worn outs its welcome. Plus, with spring here, new foods to stock up on.
Thanks, D!!!
I tweeted 🙂
our fridge is an absolute MESS
we need healthier food, stat 🙂
Oh and no blog nor tweet here but i told my gramma about it and so i hope she enters!
I just posted about your contest on my blog! Here is the link: http://nullybabyblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/refrigerator-makeovermaybe.html
O.k Danica, thanks I think I got it. Much appreciated
The link back is there and updated
i would love to win a fridge makeover! as a grad student i can never seem to find the time or the money to eat the way i want, but i think this would be a great boost in the right direction! i would love to eat cleaner!
i don’t have a blog, but i told another person about this WONDEFUL giveaway!!
It would give me a good reason to look for expired products in the fridge and add some good items.
I tweeted about the giveaway – I’m @JuliaJogging
I linked back to the giveaway on my blog here http://joggingmymemory.com/blog/julia/2010/03/wednesday-woot-woot/
It’s not me that needs the fridge makeover… it’s my mom who needs it!! I live with her and really wish she would make over her fridge with some organics and naturals!!
Tweeted here:
I told my family about this giveaway (including my mom) and they were intrigued!! If i win they would be so happy if I won they don’t even realize it yet 😀
it’s time to spring clean my fridge! Help!!!
RT’d @LynnATL
Last day to enter to Win A $100 Healthy REFRIGERATOR MAKEOVER as part of National Nutrition Month!!! http://bit.ly/afIFM3
I need a fridge makeover because I’m trying to loose weight and to be completely honest it’s a huge mess and there is nothing at all healthy in it!!
I blogged: