Wordless Wednesday: Feed The Barrel! December 21, 2011 by DanicasDaily 2 Comments SharePinTweet0 Shares
1 sofia says December 21, 2011 at 9:23 am Love this sign, makes me grateful for the things i have Reply
2 Vanessa says December 21, 2011 at 6:17 pm I wish that their was no hunger, but sadly there is. I am a 1st grade teacher, and I bet some of the kids at my school get hungry over Christmas break. It’s so sad. I thank God that I have more than enough food and can buy what I want to eat. Reply
Love this sign, makes me grateful for the things i have
I wish that their was no hunger, but sadly there is. I am a 1st grade teacher, and I bet some of the kids at my school get hungry over Christmas break. It’s so sad. I thank God that I have more than enough food and can buy what I want to eat.